Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two on Tuesday: Classroom Updates, Santas, and Slides Animation

1. How convenient for Classroom to share updates today so I can include them in my Two on Tuesday blurb! Included in the updates are additional grading and sorting options. With the title "saving time while grading" how can you resist? Click here to read all the details: http://googleforeducation.blogspot.com/2015/12/new-in-Classroom-saving-time-while-grading.html 

2. Here is a fun pre-Winter Break website. "Santas Around the World" uses Esri to show how the Santa character has evolved over the years and how he varies around the globe. http://esripm.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=eaa0878861784ebf9fea9e8505904cd0&webmap=3e746185d2de462eb7fd3b3ff54d5175. Click here and here(see a 2nd grader's project!" to learn how to create your own similar project using your school Google account and TourBuilder.

A little add-on... for those of you that still holding on to using Office by default, check out this 450 slide presentation created solely in Google Slides (similar to PowerPoint). Yes, you have time... the video is less than 2 minutes and very impressive! 
Enjoy your Winter Break!
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