Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 12: 12 Days of Google - "Extensions"

Each year, on the last 12 days before Christmas break, I share a daily tech tool, website, or tip that you might find useful.  The topics will vary, but my hope is that there will be at least one tool that everyone can use in the next 12 days.  This year’s topic is “12 Days of Google.”

On the 12th day before Christmas break my ITRT shared with me - Chrome Extensions!  What is a Chrome Extension you might ask?? Well it is a little program that modifies the Chrome browser to add some functionality that you might not normally have with an Internet browser.  So if you are not consistently using Chrome, make it your New Year’s Resolution to switch!

In order to find a chrome extension, you have to go to the Chrome Web Store.  If you find an extension you like just click add to Chrome and it will show up in the top left hand corner of your browser. The Web Store consists of Apps, Extensions, Games, and Themes.  For today’s tip we are going to focus on extensions.  Here are some of my favorite extensions, let me know what your favorites are.

  1. One Tab - When you find that you have too many tabs open simply click “One Tab” and it will funnel them all into one list.

  1. Craft Text - Do you ever need to display text quickly or you want an announcement to be displayed for everyone to see?  This can be a lot of fun for student recognition or reminders.

  1. Grammarly - We love spell check so why not add a grammar check too.  It will keep you from making errors in email, social media, or anything else you publish online.

  1. URL Shortener - Do you hate those long URL’s?  Why not shorten them to share a link with your students or in an email to colleagues.

  1. Tab Glue and Tab Scissors - These two kind of go together.  Tab scissors splits your tabs into two separate windows and tab glue puts them back together when you are finished.
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