Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 6: 12 Days of Google - "Calendar"

Do you ever feel like you are forgetting a meeting or have you forgotten a special birthday? Many of you use Google Calendar for everything, some just for schools stuff, and others just when they need to sign-up for the computer lab.  In case you didn’t know you can have personal Google calendars (birthdays, appointments, church events, sports,music lessons, work schedules, etc.) and your school Google calendar all visible in one place.  I would be glad to show you how it works for me.  

Here are two ideas on how you may want to use Google Calendar for school.

  1. Parent Communication log (private) - every time you write a note, email or call a parent add it to your Google calendar for documentation.
  2. SOL’s and Quiz/Test calendar (public) - this would be a great calendar to put on your website and let parents subscribe to it.  Then they always know what you are teaching and when tests and quizzes will take place.
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