1. Just last week I sent out a tip suggesting giving the Google Doc Add-on "Speech Recognition" a try. Well, I have an upgrade to offer already! If you are in a Google Doc, now you only have to click on the word "Tools" at the top to get a built in voice to text option called "Voice Typing." This tool is awesome! It understands certain commands such as "period" and "new line." I first read about this tool on a blog by an ELL instructor who thought it may be helpful for students learning English to practice their pronounciations of words. I can see it helping personal productivity in situations where it is easier to speak than type... for example if I need to get information from one source to another I can just read it and not have to read, turn head, type, read, turn head, type, etc. Here are some details: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/4492226.
2. Here is a quick and easy tip that you may already know but I want to share just in case you don't know it because I use it weekly. If you need to look for a specific term in a web browser, Office document, spreadsheet, etc., hold down Ctrl and f at the same time and a pop up box will appear in the top right corner of the space you are working in. Type in the term you are looking for and it will show you how many times that term appears in what you have open and then help you get to each one by using the up and down arrow.
Please see your school's ITRT if you need any assistance or if you have a topic you would like to see covered on our blog.