1. Google Classroom has just added a great calendar feature! Not only can students stay more organized within Google Classroom but the calendars generated by assignments can be accessed in a calendar outside of Classroom, which means that calendar can be seen by parents and other interested parties not enrolled in your class if you share it (or embed it on your website). Check out these links for details and more information: https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6272985, http://bhshelpdesk.com/2015/09/24/now-you-can-share-embed-your-google-classroom-calendars-with-parents/
2. Here is just a simple, silly one that can be used in a classroom or just for a fun teacher break. This site uses the microphone on your computer to analyze the noise level in your classroom... the louder the room is, the more active the objects on the screen can be. Whether this would help with volume control or would be more of a distraction... well, you know your students best! https://bouncyballs.org/
Bonus! I have mentioned this before but I came across it again today and I think it is worth a reshare. http://rewordify.com/. This site can help your students understand difficult text by providing definitions and by rewording pasted in text and websites. It is free and does not require anything to be installed on your computer.
Have a super evening! Let your ITRT know if you have any questions.