Here are two ideas on how to keep your website updated with minimal effort outside of a little initial setup time. Don't forget you can stop the videos at any time if you are following along!
1. Remind ( - It you aren't using this service to update parents/students via text message you really should consider it. Your personal information stays private at the same time the service allows you to text subscribers important updates about your class, your club, your team, etc. If you take it one step further, those same texts can be posted on your Google site so your site is always highlighting the latest and greatest class news without having to log into your site (outside of the initial setup). This five minute video walks you through how to add the Remind widget to your Google site:
2. Blogger ( - If you are sending home weekly or regular emails to a distribution list, you should strongly consider having an announcements page (using Blogger) linked to your Google site. Your Blogger page can have an email address and by adding that email address to your distribution list, your page gets updated every time you send out an email to that group. The initial setup takes less than 15 minutes and then there is no additional effort required, unless you choose to fancy up your Blogger page.
Here is a 10 minute video that walks you step-by-step through the process:
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact your school's ITRT! We look forward to working with you this year!