Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Two on Tuesdays : More Website Ideas

I'm sneaking this in just before I have to rename my Two on Tuesdays to, I don't know, Website Wednesdays???  Here are a few more ideas, building on my videos from last week, of ways to maximize the effectiveness of your webpages while minimizing the time you spend keeping it updated.

1. Here is a short video showing how to share documents with students and parents in four different ways (handing them to students in class is not one of them): email, Remind, your website, and your announcements blog.

Sharing Documents w/ the World - YouTube
2. Are you sending out weekly emails that automatically publish to your website AND using the Remind App to send texts to keep your students and their families informed?  If you are, here is a way to combine them both together to really get your information out there. If you are not, be sure to check out my videos from last week to learn how to use these great communication tools. 

Combining Weekly Emails with Remind - YouTube
Contact your ITRT if you need help with any of this!

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