1. These tools can be used on both new Notebook files OR files downloaded from the SMART Exchange.
2. Either way, open the file you would like to change.
1. Locking - all objects can
be locked into place by click on the top right corner arrow of an object. Then choose 'Lock'.
2. Layering - all objects can be layered by clicking on the top right corner arrow of an object. Then choose 'Order' and pick choice.
3. Inifite Cloner - allows endless copying of an object. Click top right corner arrow and choose 'Infinite Cloner". Then click and drag object to make unlimited copies.
4. Memory Game Template from SMART Exchange - Memory Match
5. YouTube example for creating a Memory Game yourself.
6. Finding the Memory Flash Object in Notebook Gallery:
- Open new Notebook file.
- Search the gallery for 'pairs'.
- Double-click the Flash Object named 'pairs" so that it will appear in your notebook page.
- Click the 'Edit' button to set up the parameters of the template.
The SMART Exchange offers notebook files that somebody else has already created and shared for me to use!