Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Two on Tuesday: Calendar Update & YouTube Collaboration


1. Have you ever noticed that an even has gone missing from your Google calendar OR have you ever accidentally removed the wrong event but didn't catch it quickly enough to undo the error? Google Calendar has recently added a “trash” feature so those events that have been deleted (accidentally or intentionally) can be added back onto the calendar in just two clicks. Click here for a short video showing how to find the trash icon and how to replace your events.

2. YouTube is an excellent resource for videos to enhance instruction and is part of our division’s Google Apps for Education suite (you can easily login with your school Google account). One feature of YouTube that is extremely helpful in organizing content is the ability to create playlists, allowing a user to store content in categories as the user sees fit. But added to that, there is a collaboration feature within playlists so colleagues can work together to build a YouTube library.This short video shows you how to create a playlist and begin collaborating with others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgjDdhAWBrg

Contact your school's ITRT with comments, questions, or requests for assistance!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Multiple Google Accounts & Videos

1) Do you have multiple Google accounts and often want to toggle between them?  Sometimes sharing a browser between two different accounts can work well and sometimes, well, it flops. I have been known to both use and suggest to others the process of utilizing Chrome for one login (example: my school Google teacher account) and Firefox for another (example: my school Google student account). I also am guilty of regularly toggling using the "don't" process in this video, which suggests a better method of sharing your computer between multiple Google accounts: http://www.shakeuplearning.com/blog/youre-doing-it-wrong-how-to-manage-multiple-google-accounts/.  

The video is very easy to follow... clear and not too fast that it is overwhelming. I do want to add that the one part that did not work for me in the video was when I clicked on my name in the top right corner of Chrome and clicked "Switch Person"... I did not have the option to add a new Google version of me. The alternative that did work was to click on the three little lines in the top right corner (red arrow) and then add a person on the settings page (blue circle). As she states in the video, Google works best in Google so keeping everything Google  in Chrome is ideal... the method in the video is my new go-to one!

2. Technology appears to, and often does, move at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up with it all. Relying on showing a movie via DVD and, going back even more, finding a VCR to show a VHS tape, are no longer the most convenient options, if even feasible at all. If you have not already explored video options in United Streaming (your school librarian can help you with an account if you do not have one already), YouTube (keep on the lookout for a PD session on YouTube to be offered soon by the LCPS secondary ITRTs), or in BrainPop (see your ITRT for the school password), please do so as you work your way through your curriculum this year. Here is one more tool for your toolbox you may wish to utilize: http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/. You can browse by topic, grade level, and/or standard!

PBS LearningMedia
PBS Learning Media Home Page ... Travel back to 1989 to relive the fall of the Berlin Wall and witness its impact ...

Enjoy! Contact your ITRT if you have any questions or suggestions!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Top 10 Google Goodies

Recently, a group of LCPS teachers attended a the Suffolk Google Summit hosted by the EdTechTeam and learned TONS of new Google stuff! Here is one teacher's recap of the top 10 extensions, apps, add-ons from the summit.

Interested in attending a different Google Apps for Education Summit? Look here!
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