Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Reflections and Resolutions...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
TMI (Too Much Information)
Recently, the ITRTs attended the VSTE Conference, (VA Society for Tech. in Ed.), in
Too much information has been a problem since Gutenberg’s Printing Press got started in the 1400’s. As professionals, we can organize ourselves one tool at a time and let the term “TMI” roll right off our backs.
My first suggestion would be to Keep it Simple and Straightforward (KISS). Think about Marzano’s instructional strategy of using advanced organizers to help us sort or organize information. We can use the same organizational concept ourselves that we use with our students. In this case, the organizing tool is Google Reader. Google Reader will aggregate all of the information we like to read about online and put it in one spot for us to read when we are ready.
You might have seen the RSS icon in your web browser or web page and not realized what it was before now.
Tim Stahmer sums up RSS feeds easily when he explains that email is known as a “push” technology and RSS feeds are known as “pull” technology.
When you open an aggregator, it goes out to each of the sites you have in your list and pulls in the new information found on the RSS page. It then makes everything in all the feeds you’ve selected available to you in one place.
Think about it this way. RSS is like email in that both bring lots of information into one place making it easy for you to read and process.
Email, however, is a “push” technology. You have no control over who sends a message and when it’s sent. Someone else pushes information to you.
RSS, on the other hand, is a “pull” technology. You decide the source of the information and when you want to receive it. You are in control. And, since you choose the sources, there’s no spam.
Can't access YouTube at school? Click here for the CommonCraft Video: RSS in Plain English.
As always, contact your ITRT if you need help getting started. This is a great first step to get organized and in control of the information you consume!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Developing a PLN...
There are many ways to build your online PLN but too much at one time can be overwhelming. To get started, I highly recommend adding the following three resources to your PLN:
I have to admit I was a Twitter doubter for a long time. Statements limited to 140 certainly could have no value in my busy life and really, is it really a necessity for me to know who is at the grocery store? But I decided to try it out one day and I was hooked. Let me also add that I do not use Twitter to its fullest; I have posted "tweets" (140 character statements) only a handful of times (and there are lots of others just like me - here is a great, short article about being mainly a Twitter reader). But just reading my Twitter feed for a few minutes a few times a week has been incredibly valuable. Not only can you follow specific educators from all over the world (a few favorites are on the Twitter feed in the right column of this blog), but there are education specific conversations you can follow... focusing on the level you teach and/or the content as well as general education chats (this page can be overwhelming but I want to list it here for future reference; your ITRT can help direct you to specific chats). Click here for a blog entry on ways to use Twitter in your classroom. Let your ITRT know if you are interested in more hands-on training in using Twitter.
2. Delicious (social bookmarking)
There are several places to store bookmarks online but one that is quite popular and that I use regularly is Delicious (delicious.com). Once you are logged in you can start saving the URLs of the sites you want to store, tag them by topic, enter comments about the site, and even see how many other Delicious users have bookmarked that same site. The "social" part comes in because your bookmark list can be seen by others (though you can control this if you don't want that to happen) which means you can see other's bookmarks. There is a search feature where you can search by tags or by what is popular. If you find other educators teaching the same topics or grade level that you are teaching, their bookmarks will often be just as helpful as the sites you have bookmarked yourself, with a little less time involved researching! Here is a link to my Delicious bookmarks for you to check out!